Monday, July 22, 2013

Status Quo in Syria?

Dempsey sounded like generals in the U.S. during the Cold War in Public back when they realized little things they said could be taken out of context and cause really big problems worldwide.

We seem to be back to a Nuclear Cold War type of footing. Anyone who lived through it from the 1950s to about 1990 feels it too. It is in everything being said, "McCain sounds like the old Republican Hawks who wanted to nuke the Soviet Union in Congress during that time. In some ways if we view all this simplistically McCain is right. But, if we look at it through the veil and wisdom of history we see only growing complexity which usually means thousands and millions of people dying in really awful ways. That is what the Cold War really was. It was mostly millions of people so afraid that they starved and died and went crazy behind the Iron curtain and elsewhere on earth where there were cold war conflicts. It's happening again only this time "Without an Iron curtain".

So, whether the starving and dying are the people of Syria or the young of the U.S., Europe and Russia and China who are also starving without enough jobs, it is still a continuation of the "Cold War" set in a new world era. So, I guess we have to call it something else. Since everyone is in denial about it maybe "The Cool War" is the best. It's not the Cold War anymore and everyone is "Playing it Cool" like young gang members just before somebody dies in a Drive By.

In "The Cold War" young people weren't starving and dying so much here (except during the Viet Nam War) after about the 1950s and 1960s because the U.S. was the richest per capita it had ever been. One young man without a high school diploma could easily support 5 people with one 40 hour a week job until he retired. However, now even with 3 degrees (bachelor's, Masters, and Phd) someone could still starve the way the U.S. is now especially if they can't pay off their student loans. Even President Obama and Michelle weren't able to pay off their student loans until their early 40s. They didn't starve after being A students and overachievers their whole lives. But many will who don't have entrepreneurial skills too to create their own businesses worldwide.

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