Saturday, July 19, 2014


 If you look at Jesus (the way he really was not the fairy tale many people tell). He was a revolutionary at least as revolutionary if not moreso than the people in the U.S. in the 1960s protesting the Viet Nam War. This is one of the reasons "Godspell" and "Jesus Christ Superstar" did so well in the 1970s and 1980s and are still being done in colleges and High Schools across our land today.

Even in regard to the money changers where he broke their tables and threw their money around. They knew he was a man of supernatural power so they didn't dare stop him from what he was doing.

He was only stopped by being forced to carry his cross and to die on the cross and even then he arose from the dead in three days.

Jesus' life was an act of compassion for all mankind. He like Buddha before him and people like Saint Francis of Assisi after him were "Warriors for compassion" for all mankind.

So, in some ways being compassionate is a type of warfare, for example, when Buddhists set themselves on fire with gasoline in public to protest the actions of others or when people demonstrate to protect human rights and human lives around the world.

Being a compassionate warrior is important if we don't want to see genocide become normal now all around the world as it is becoming now as we watch it every day on the news.

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