Sunday, July 6, 2014

If applied Machine intelligence is already greater than applied human intelligence: Then

Then most people on earth are sort of screwed. Because the people or companies (not necessarily governments) with the most free access to information worldwide will tend to control everything.

This is why having corporations having the same rights as people (including having their own religions and religious preferences) will damage individual people in the U.S. and the world the most in the long run.

It has already made most governments (with the exception of the biggest corporation on Earth: China) weaker by the day because if corporations have the rights of individuals then individuals soon will have no rights at all worldwide, including the right to exist alive in a human body.

So, corporations with access to infinite machine intelligence will be the instruments of human genocide worldwide during the next century or centuries by various subtle or overt means.

So, if you don't know enough about what is really going on you might not be able to save yourself or your family.

Getting a college education at a public or private university and learning Critical Thinking might save not only you but all your descendents from the coming genocide of areas and nations that could come from now on. It is already starting in the middle east and with groups like Boko Haram in Africa and possibly through the Ebola as well.

I see this as becoming more and more something as bad as World War II because of what is happening to oil prices because of the events spiraling out of control in the middle East.

And I blame mostly Russia and Iran from starting this thing at present. Since they planned all this all nations need to watch out for what happens next.

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