Sunday, July 13, 2014


Visualization the way I was taught at around 2 to 3 years of age is realizing that you and God are a fusion. In other words you are a Co-Creator with God. The basic idea is this if you experience yourself as one with God and you visualize something if God Agrees with you it happens.

So, only things that God agrees with are going to happen in this point of view.

For example, the trees in this article I wrote recently:Trees: and Unconditional Love
are an example of me becoming one in consciousness with God and the Trees so when I visualized it raining it caused the ground to become wet from heavy fog for several days after that and intermittently still.

Of course to the doubters you might say it was going to happen anyway. However, if you are me and it hasn't done this except very sporadically (once every couple of weeks or so) and then it happens every evening and mornings for several days in a row I kind of knew my prayers (visualizations combined with the Tree prayers for rain (because they were very thirsty) came together and manifested.

Here is something from a school I attended in my senior year by a senior this year. I won't give the senior's name or any reference to where this is or when this is but I think it might be good for you to hear if you are believing in Co-Creation with God. This is a very common way of thinking in the U.S. since before the founding of our nation by our founding fathers:

This is a senior High School Girl writing about "Visualization"
begin quote:

Many of you may not know, but for me, today marks a dream that has taken years in the making, and today that dream has finally become a reality.

Dreams don't happen instantaneously; for 6 years I ------- (was) expressing my desire to attend this -----School, and today 7 years later, through determination and visualization, I have finally fulfilled that dream!

Now, in my limited life experience, there is something very important that I've found out; Visualization ensures success--sucess now, and success for the future. There is nothing that cannot be attained if you truly put your mind and energy towards it. All you have to do is to take five minutes and visualize a couple of years into the future, and see yourself actually becoming the person that you want yourself to be." end quote.

My own experience with this was different long term than the experience of this girl. Mostly, as a child and young man I visualized trips to places: which happened and bicycles and toys: which happened. But, some thing I had to wait until my 20s (like skiing trips to Mt. Shasta and living there with my 1st and 2nd Wife and my kids in my late 20s and early 30s).

So, for me, visualizations that manifested for me were cars, bicycles, motorcycles and girlfriends and trips throughout the U.S. and meeting friends and getting jobs.

However, there also were unexpected things that tore my life apart during my life too. So, God was directing me always towards my future I feel. I had a little control in that I could have girlfriends, cars, bicycles and travel but some things I was very frustrated about in my teens and twenties and even in my childhood. I think now it was God training me to be something and someone I was incapable of imagining in my childhood or teenage years.

So, through God's training I became in my 30s and 40s what God had wanted me to be all along and after almost dying at 2, 10 to 15, through suicide from 21 to 24, through a heart virus that I almost died from at age 49 and 50 and any other things I have survived so long God has made me be what he wanted all along which likely would have been indescribable in my childhood or teenage years.

So, if you can't imagine what God is turning you into how can you visualize that?

So, sometimes you just have to suffer through the training God is putting you through to see what happens next. And hopefully, eventually you will understand like I do now. And even now I'm learning more each day and each and every moment through God's Grace.

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