Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Experiencing oneself as the universe

This is the basis of what I write about after this:

Heisenberg: Atoms are not things they are only tendencies

I wrote this a while back but I still intrinsically believe it to be true.


Atoms are not things. They are only tendencies-Heisenberg

Viewed in this way the universe for me becomes a thought, a concept. If that is what the universe really is then to perceive the whole universe as oneself is to understand the universe. By objectively understanding and thereby experiencing the whole universe as oneself one begins to actually encompass the whole universe as oneself and begins to feel peace. By feeling peace one may stop feeling afraid. When one stops feeling afraid one's physiology operates better. From this new experience of objectivity one  then can ask questions of oneself as the universe. From these questions since fear is gone, answers may automatically appear. From the peace, the questions and the automatic answers one may know God. From knowing God and having peace one needs nothing else. Whether ones body is alive or whether one has passed over one can then know peace eternally by knowing God in this way.

Note: This is one path to God. I have traveled it and found it perfect for me. You might too. 
So, what happens when you experience yourself as the universe over time?
My experience of this is you feel great peace and worry less about dying because your body is no longer just your physical body but the entire universe and everything within it. You identify both as your body here on earth, but also as all life on earth and all life throughout the universe as well.
From this point of view every place on earth is you, every planet in the solar system is you and to some degree every person you meet is a member of your family and a potential friend. So, you learn not to be afraid of your family and potential friends.
Of course, there are times when thinking this way isn't practical for a few moments or days when you are threatened by one thing or another like a truck or bus bearing down on you or things like that. 
However, whenever it is safe enough to experience yourself as the universe, you do. And even when difficult situations arise you aren't really afraid of them anymore you just become very focused on surviving them.
You discover what you put your attention upon you become, and becoming the universe is a very safe thing to do as long as you still remember you are a human being here living on earth too.
So, it becomes a meditation of you experiencing the peace of being the whole universe and all time and space as much as is practical for you in your life. 

How did I come to this realization?

I wanted to learn to soul travel as a child. When as an adult God gave me permission to do this I discovered that everywhere I went in this galaxy or others or even here on earth I was already there. I also discovered I was already in every time and space. So, accepting this soul traveling truth I just decided to experience myself as the whole universe because I had already scientifically discovered that this was true by soul traveling all over. So, this isn't theoretical, this is actual to me because I already scientifically experienced this soul traveling. But, it took me at least 10 years of soul traveling this galaxy and others before I fully understood this.

Now as someone who learned to soul travel all over 50 years or more ago, I know the truth that you and I in reality are everywhere in time and space already if we only realize it. We don't have to go anywhere because we are already there. By God's Grace.

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