Thursday, September 10, 2015

World’s first head transplant patient schedules procedure for 2017

World’s first head transplant patient schedules procedure for 2017

A man set to become the world’s first head transplant patient has scheduled the procedure for December 2017. Valery Spiridonov, 30, was diagnosed with a genetic muscle-wasting condition called Werdnig-Hoffmann disease, and volunteered for the procedure despite the risks involved, Central European…
Fox News
This is a really odd one because if you or I had a head transplant we wouldn't be us anymore. All memories of who we were or are
would not exist in this new head. So, it is likely whoever the new head is from would be who that person would become and not the 
the person he was before. So, until we have a way to change memories between brains I don't think this is feasible while remaining 
who a person was for however many years they have been alive and growing up and all that. 

So, unless they are going to leave the brain stem and brain in that person he is going to be someone else with no memories of who 
he was at all.

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