Saturday, December 12, 2015

If you think you soul Travel

Most people don't understand this principle of life. Wherever and whenever you think about you tend to go there in consciousness. So, if you really don't want to go someplace then think of something else.

However, then there are meditations where your focus is "Dumping everything from your brain sort of how one throws up a bad lunch".

Doing this periodically can keep you from getting cancer or ill by the way sometimes because you let go and let God so to speak.

So, one way to do this is to "look for the source of your thoughts". While you are diligently ONLY focused upon the source of all your thoughts ANY thought can slide by and out of your mind permanently if you let it. However, you give no mind at all to it whether it is good or bad or indifferent.

This is one way to cleanse your mind of everything or as some Gurus say it, "YOU have to empty your cup in order to fill it with something else.

This is part of whether someone is close minded (never emptying their cup) or (open minded) allowing their cup to empty to they can fill it again with something else better when it arises in life.

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