Tuesday, December 8, 2015

ISIS was caused by Hundreds of thousands of Sunnis deaths and tortures

It is important I think to remember what caused ISIS to flourish. It didn't start in a vaccuum. So, even though ISIS is diabolical in nature it was orginally created to fight against the deaths and tortures of Sunni men, women and children because they couldn't fight Russia, Iran, or Assad effectively.

So, ISIS was started to fight a nuclear power (Russia) and a potential nuclear power (Iran) when no Sunni nations (that anyone presently knows of) has an nuclear weapons at all. Nations cannot easily stand up to a nation like Russia without Russia threatening (like Russia is presently doing to Turkey)  in Threatening that nation with economic and military ruin.

Do you not think all Sunni nations are not observing what Russia is doing to Turkey just for trying to defend it's people and borders?

So, there is a tendancy for nations like Turkey to tacitly support ISIS in fighting Russia and IRan and Assad.

So, if nations fight ISIS the diabolical they are also fighting to some Sunnis (ISIS the defender of Sunnis against Shias and Russia.

So, this is why Obama says this can only be solved by politcal means. Because you cannot effectively fight ISIS unless you know that ISIS is also a champion of sorts for all Sunnis.

So, they might see ISIS methods as diabolical but there is another thing going on which is "The enemy of my enemy might sometimes be my friend.

So, in destroying ISIS, Russia and IRan are also destroying the future rights of Sunnis in Syria and Iraq.

So, what I would like to say is Iran is trying to turn Iraq and Syria into Iranian influenced territory.

With what Russia and IRan and Assad are doing right now to innocent Sunnis, Iran is well on it's way to accomplishing this. And they may devastate Turkey in the process of this Shiite takeover of Syria and Iraq.

So, that is why ISIS is such a tricky issue. To some Sunnis ISIS is a barbaric beheading Robin Hood. And this is also why Obama says this issue can only be politically dealt with and not by any army.

Most of the people of the U.S. don't understand any of this and neither do most people on earth. And this is the problem right now of how to solve the problem of ISIS and the hundreds of thousands of Sunnis that have been killed now by Iran, Hezbollah, Russia and Assad.

IF it were up to Shiites from IRan and Syria and IRaq all Sunnis on earth should be put to death.

And this is also the problem because 1.2 billion of the 1.6 billion Muslims are Sunnis.

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