Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Just some of the thousands of aspects of the Technological Singularity we are presently aproaching or in

Here is the most obvious one. Imagine 20 years ago (if you are 35 or older now)if I told you young people and older people who aren't safety conscious who die by the hundreds or thousands world wide trying to type messages to people while they were driving a car? What?

You would not have believed people would be stupid enough to do this and not only that you would be wondering why they would even try?

Now, imagine 20 years ago if I told you that we would have cars like the Tesla that could drive themselves about 90% of the time?

My personal reaction would be: "I don't want a car that does that."

But now, rich people drive a car that can drive itself 90% of the time and park itself 100% of the time even when they are not in it at the time.

Imagine 40 years ago if I told (If you now are 50 or more) that we would have a terrorist war with something named after an Egyptian God named ISIS that beheaded people and then sold their organs after doing this for 40,000 dollars a pop around the world? You would tell me I'm crazy because we live in a civilized world. Wouldn't you?

What if I told you that we would have a racist candidate for president 30 years ago in 2016 that was upset that an American born hispanic backgrounded judge would be criticized by this candidate for president who had also called women pigs and on a platform of keeping all Muslims out of the U.S.?

What if I told you that someone who spent his honeymoon in Soviet Russia because he thought it was a really great place was running for president and almost won on the Democratic Ticket in the primaries?

What if I told you 30 years ago that we would start shooting terrorist leaders in almost any country on earth with something called a "Hellfire" missile and most countries on earth were happy we were doing this?

All of these are evidence of a real and ongoing Technological Singularity here on earth. Global Warming, Global Climate Change, Artificial intelligence driven drones shooting up terrorist leaders on the ground with "Hellfire Missiles" has been normal (or relatively normal) anywhere terrorists live or move in the world at this point. And it has become "Normal".

All the things I'm talking about here are "Normal" so these are all reasons and evidence we are in or approaching a Technological Singularity quicker every day.

And many of you can list a 1000 other reasons we are presently in or approaching a Technological Singularity that humans may or may not survive this long term.

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