Monday, June 20, 2016

The Problem of Feminism

For Feminism to work someone has to lose.

This is the problem of feminism

I think it's okay for women to be free and to feel liberated. This is a good thing.

However, then we have to view who pays for this.

Who pays for this liberation?

Society pays for this.

Men pay with their identities.

Children often pay with their lives.

So, Feminism along with Masculinity ebb and flow through time trying to reach some sort of balance that likely will never be reached or will be reached 500 to 1000 years into the future in some world we cannot presently imagine.

Having lived since 1948 my perspective on all this is a lot different than young people of today. I was someone who when entering marriage in 1974  thought, for example, that relationships should be 50-50 only to discover someone has to be 51% which is one reason my first marriage failed. That and my wife was too young when we married when she was 21.

In my 2nd marriage I made sure (depending upon the subject) one of us had 51% of every issue so there could be a deciding vote no matter what on every issue in our marriage.

So, to me the problem of feminism doesn't really become a problem until you bring marriage and family and children into their equation. But, when feminism enters the family it starts to become a problem.

Why is this?

Because before marriage a woman and a man can literally do anything in life that they can get away with without going to jail or being killed for.

But, after marriage and children if you keep doing that people die (including children) abuse happens etc.

So, you don't even have to call it feminism until marriage happens (this is my personal point of view).

So, not until marriage is all this really important to society in the end. Because when marriage and children enter into all this you are raising the next generation and then the next and the next.

So, what individuals do of either sex doesn't really matter until they enter family life.

Then it means everything to the future of cultures and the whole human race.

So, thinking in a selfish way only harms oneself, ones children and society at this point.

But, over the last 50 or 60 years men have suffered "Complete identity loss".

So, when women wonder where all the "men" are they just have to realize they killed them.

There aren't anymore "men" because feminism killed them.

Being a man is a state of mind. That's gone now for men under about 40 or 50.

So, being a man no longer exists in the U.S. or Europe.

Women may have feminism but men have only confusion and that's all.

There are no young men left because of feminism at all as far as I can see.

So, what now?

I don't know. In a world of unisex one can no longer say "Viva La Difference!"

Because it doesn't exist. Only in books and movies does it exist much in people under 40 or 50 years of age.

And whether this is a good thing or a bad thing only history can judge if that.

I'm just an old dinosaur expressing what I think here. I'm not sure any of you will listen to my wisdom and experience of the last 68 years and running businesses and raising my children and stepchildren and God Daughters through everything that has happened since I was born.

And then there are the Putins and ISIS.

What do they think about feminism?

They think that we are a bunch of pussies and that they can defeat us because they consider feminism to be a weakness when men give up their rights.

Are they right?

I don't know.

Time will tell.

  1. Feminism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Feminism is a range of political movements, ideologies, and social movements that share a common goal: to...

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