Friday, June 3, 2016

What are these words we write down?

My point of view about this might be unique or not.

Words are how we express what is in our souls. This is what words are to me personally. To others words might be something else but that is what they are to me. So, if I'm thinking about something or feeling something I'm putting into words what I'm experiencing.

So, here is one way to put it: I'm experiencing something that I sense is important to share. So, I experience it and it flows through my keyboard (or pen or pencil or typewriter) out through my fingers onto whatever medium it is being created upon.

For me, personally now, it is easier with a computer keyboard because it is easier to do spell checks and context checks and to check things much quicker than in the old days writing by hand or typewriter. IF you wrote with a typewriter and you made mistakes often you had to change a piece of paper and start over. So, for me keyboards are much much easier to write on.

Besides now I can type as fast or faster than I can speak. So, it is sort of like speaking through my fingers at this point in a form of instant sign language.

For me, if I start with a clear place inside myself I am more likely to share more clear and enlightened experiences. This is what it is like for me.

By God's Grace

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