Sunday, July 31, 2016

Whoever people are less terrified and afraid of will be elected President

Though this happens in almost any presidential election, this is especially true this year more than any other year in U.S. History. We have the least popular candidates in U.S. History to begin with.

Women and black people and every other grouping except White uneducated men really hate Trump. My wife traveling to Antarctica on a cruise ship among mostly educated people heard not one positive comment regarding Trump among people who actually have an education on her whole trip there and back last January, for instance. There was no even one positive comment regarding Trump from anyone who even worked on this cruise ship.

So, the people supporting Trump mostly are American white men that didn't finish high school and mostly didn't go to college and are very angry at what is happening to the U.S. where they live right now.

It is less about getting things done and more about taking revenge upon a nation they feel has betrayed them and their families than anything else. This is sad but true.

Is this the death of the American Dream?

We all have to ask ourselves this question. Because this year Trump  might well be the real death of the American dream in actuality.

And uneducated White men need to ask?

Is it worth destroying everything America has stood for since 1776 to take revenge on the U.S.  and the world with Trump?

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