Saturday, May 4, 2019

Alien life is purposefully fictionalized in Movies and on TV

The most realistic depiction of how things really are (even though it's very funny too) is the whole Men in Black Series. This is likely the closest to the truth of anything you are likely to see in movies or on TV in that "There has never been a time when aliens haven't been among us." Imagine you are neanderthals 100,000 years ago climbing through the weeds hunting something. Watching you either on the ground or in the air were aliens watching your hunting and breeding techniques 100,000 years ago even. So, thinking about aliens being something new as in the 1900s to the present is completely stupid and unproductive.

And not realizing that there are time travelers also from the past, present and future of Earth governments also present in various forms is also stupid. So, the way all this works is completely different than most people actually realize. So, as a result is most people are like ostriches with their heads in the sand not wanting really to know the truth.


Because on one level or another everyone realizes that if the truth were known publicly all religions and governments and large businesses would collapse within about 1 year. Why?

Because the paradigm shift in the consciousness of the average human would change so far that you would have to consider 50% to 70% of mankind permanently or temporarily insane. That's why.

Look how they are freaking out about Trump and the technological singularity  already. What are they going to do when aliens are pointed out and everything they believe is found to be basically untrue and was always untrue?

What happens when you wake up and your belief system turns out to be a complete fairy tale and that's all?

Humans have been studied as much as any other animal has been studied by humans of earth by aliens from other planets from the past, present and future since the beginning of humans on earth in any form.

And since time travel is a real thing used by aliens to expedite travel on earth and throughout this galaxy and others this also changes the paradigm they live in in relation to us humans as well.

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