Thursday, May 23, 2019

If you analyze what Cyber-Physical actually means

It means that algorithms and programming are affecting physical things like machinery, the power grid, Airplanes flying, self driving cars driving, self driving trucks driving.

So, if you have seen some of the newer movies we can expect at times cars driving through the windows of multi-story parking lots with no one in them and landing on people in cities below. We can expect planes crashing caused by hackers on the other side of the world. We can expect self driving ships running full speed into docks at 45 miles per hour too. We can just expect all these things and more and self driving passenger planes driving into buildings more too in the future as well.

It's inevitable the way things are presently going. It's not that this sort of thing is going to happen every day it's just that some bad incidents regarding what I'm talking about here will happen every year whether they are ever reported by the news or not worldwide. Companies who build self driving whatever it is will have a vested interest in suppressing any negative information for their companies and some will be successful in this even if many many people die in the process.

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