Wednesday, May 8, 2019

If you don't like being tracked by companies with your IPhone

I was talking to a gentleman yesterday about how he was upset about his phone telling him where he was going because apps were telling him where he was going to go before he went there. At the time I agreed that technology through smartphones is way to invasive of our privacy. What I didn't tell him at the time (because I didn't think of it) is what I do to reduce surveillance of myself.

First of all, you are not going to stop government or police from tracking everyone through their phones or smartphones 24 hours a day to within 3 to 6 feet of where you physically are at all times 24 hours a day anywhere on earth. And probably you don't want to either for your own safety.

However, companies like app companies and Apple and Google usually won't track you because they are law abiding companies for the most part if you turn off your blue dot on Google Maps.

 What you do is to go into "SETTINGS" on your phone. Now scroll down to where there is a blue square with a white hand inside which says "Privacy". Now click on this.

This should take you to a screen that says "Privacy" at the top.

Now click on "Location services". What I do is to set all the following to Never except for Google Maps which I set to "While Using". So, if I don't need the blue dot to see where I am on a map I turn the whole thing off. This is what I do but you can customize yours anyway you want to for all the potential things that might want to access your Blue Google dot to see exactly where you are.

This also saves your electricity in your phone not doing things you don't want it to also. So, you don't have to charge your phone as often also. But, you also have to close apps regularly too in order to save electricity.

But, it is quite likely that privileges that we presently have will likely be taken away from us over time sort of like dam of information slowly breaking upon us all. We aren't losing our rights to privacy all at once but in drips and drabs here. This is the ongoing problem we all face here on earth that will kill all of us eventually unless we find a way to stop this loss of human rights and privacy at some point.

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