Friday, May 10, 2019

Is it useful to be Angry with God?

I think if you have never been angry with God you likely don't know God very well.

I remember being terrified of God between ages 10 and 15 and wondering why God was trying to kill me? I knew I was dying then and my final solution was to invoke God to live in my body with me at age 15. And this worked. But, for most people I wouldn't recommend it unless you are dying like I was then. Because then I had a miracle and God changed my life forever. So, invoking God to live with me in my body worked for me. But, I must say it really was a lot to deal with until I was about 30 years old because there was just so much supernatural stuff going on around me all the time it was hard not to be overwhelmed and scared from it some of the time.

However, the good thing about asking God to live in your body with you is that you tend to be told by angels about things that might kill you. Because once you become an instrument of God in your body then Angels fly through you into the physical world all the time from the heaven realms to save lives and to heal people and animals and all sorts of conditions. So, you might live a very long time being an instrument of God here on earth.

By God's Grace

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