Friday, March 27, 2020


If you are one of these it's a good time for Retreat and meditation and prayer and rethinking your life.

Often when we are working hard for someone we don't have the time to reflect on our lives and to think how we could make our lives or other lives better. So, this is the time you've always wished and prayed for to meditate to pray and to think deeply about what to do next here on earth and to prepare for your afterlife.

Thinking about "How you can remain calm when all around you are losing their minds" is important too. Figuring out how to deal with everything as it arises. Younger people not having dealt with really serious crises before might be lost, especially between the ages of zero and 20 or so because they never faced anything serious in their lives before.

Facing their own death or the deaths of their friends and relatives might be really hard for younger people.Hard for older people too. But with time you learn to deal with the  deaths of a lot your friends and relatives, especially if you are older than 30 or 40 years of age.

For example, I have already lost all my grandparents, my parents, all my aunts and uncles and most of my cousins already as well as two of my best friends with only one best friend remaining and he is younger than I and my older cousin who is about 76 years old and still working.

So, literally 90% of my people have already died my age or older. And I will be 72 soon but my wife and I and all my children are doing just fine so far.

One of the best things for my wife and I is we got a Blue Merle Corgi female puppy a few months ago and she is now over 4 months old and makes us smile in her spontaneity many times every day.

All this would have really sucked for us both much more if we hadn't adopted this puppy when we did.

By God's Grace

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