Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Shelter in place won't work for more than one or two months

Then we are going to have to do something else or else societies will begin to collapse one by one worldwide. What China did won't work in western democracies where people actually have rights. National Emergencies cannot go on for years without most people dying in that country. So, how are we going to navigate past May for example. It certainly isn't how we are operating now because otherwise people are going to start starving to death en masse from no jobs to make money with.

Because this coronavirus problem is going to last at least 2 years just in the U.S. and Europe and up to 5 years in the rest of the world where it hasn't really hit yet that hard until everyone on earth either has some kind of immunity to it or is dead. Hopefully, a vaccine is created sooner and not later or nations will begin to collapse from this one by one worldwide.

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