Friday, June 11, 2021

Ahimsa Vows of non-violence are very important in life: especially if you meet any UFOS


It is considered universally a sign of culture and civilization to be non-violent throughout our galaxy. This is why taking Ahimsa Vows demonstrates a person's dedication to non-violence in life in regard to life throughout our galaxy in the past, present and future.

However, this doesn't negate self defense in regard to any being from a gnat to an elephant or larger either. I was taught that self defense is necessary even with Ahimsa vows to protect not only yourself but others from harm.

However, self defense does not have to be violent, it can also be verbal or reassuring or even supernatural using Siddhis (magical empowerments) like Jesus used to walk on water, levitate in the ascension, or multiplying of loaves.

So, the way you defend yourself and others varies by abilities and right mindfulness and kindness and compassion and wisdom.

By God's Grace 

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