Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Guns don't make people safe: Not really

The problem with guns is mostly psychological. It's one reason why in the 1950s that you were frowned upon more than now if you carried a gun (unless you were a police officer or soldier). So, people even in settling scores didn't use guns mostly unless they were the Mafia at the Saint Valentine's Day Massacre or something like that.

However, over time paranoia set in more and now people feel the need to have or wear guns in public in many states.  

I wouldn't consider doing this even though I'm very competent with guns and was trained starting at age 8 with a rifle and pistols to be accurate and safe with guns.

So, what I'm trying to say here is that if people (not police or soldiers) are walking around wearing guns often they are having psychological problems like PTSD so I would give people like this a wide berth because of this.

Because if they are wearing guns openly you probably should watch out for them because they are not in an ordinary reality that most people live in.

Having a gun is one thing but displaying it by wearing it around and thereby scaring everyone nearby because you are wearing it all the time are two very different things.

And it harkens back to how things were still from the early to late 1800s in the western part of the United States once again. Because the law might be 50 to 100 miles away you were the only law that mattered in most situations. And I guess some people feel that way still, especially mostly west of the Rocky Mountains here in the U.S.

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