Sunday, June 13, 2021

Enlightenment is generated by your compassion for yourself and all others in the universe in the past, present and future

This is why developing compassion (which I equate as the opposite of paranoia) is so very important.

Paranoia Kills.

Compassion brings Eternal Life both here and in the hereafter.

There is really only one being in the universe of which all beings are a part of.

When I demanded God show himself to me as a young man in my late teens or else I told God I would take my own life here are some of the things God told me:

He said, "You're taking all this too seriously!"

"Life is a Serious Game. It's a game but it is also serious.

"The sin in life is either taking life too seriously or not seriously enough."

"These unbalanced things will kill people or drive them crazy." 

So, finding your balance is always important in life.

He also said, "If someone kills another person it is like cutting off one of my fingers."

This really made me think about this a lot then.

When I came back from where God took me to speak with me I shook for many days from what God had told me.

There is a saying: "No man may see God and Live!"

This is true.

But, it doesn't mean you physically die but it does mean if you see God it kills who you were before so you become someone new. You are born again! as I was when God visited me.

I have never been the same again.

Do I regret telling God he had to see me?


Because I wouldn't be the person I am now if I hadn't.

I feel honored God chose to visit me and to kill me and to make me a whole person in God's image.

By God's Grace

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