Thursday, June 3, 2021

The more Clannish and Provincial people are the more paranoid of any other races or groups they tend to be

 So, it shouldn't surprise anyone when White people that all go to the same churches and live out in the country mostly away from other races or nationalities get paranoid when they hear ideas that are not their own "Clans" ideas.

I think I was lucky to get away from my childhood church in college and living in Los Angeles, San Diego and Venice near Hollywood and Glendale which is right next to Hollywood and Burbank growing up. So, even as an electrician being trained by my Dad I met rich people of all nationalities and middle class people of all nationalities so by the time I was 17 years old I had met all sorts of people from all sorts of places. I had even been to a Jewish Orthodox Wedding because my Dad's partner's daughter got married and my mother and I had he had to go to this wedding. So, we had experienced all sorts of interesting things by the time I was 12 to 17 growing up in Glendale in Los Angeles County. By then I had  a much more diverse opinion of every one I met in an international sense too. I sort of accepted all types of people as long as they were polite and not violent towards me and my family.

But, people isolated into nooks and crannies around the country can be just as paranoid as people who actually live in other countries can be even though they live in the U.S.

This is part of the problem with Trump Republicans because their paranoia can become violent because they are mostly ignorant of how the actual world works in reality instead of a country fantasy of how things actually work.

If you have never experienced things beyond your own religion or beyond white people and aren't brave enough to meet other people of course you are going to be paranoid, ignorant and provincial.

So, from my point of view this comes from two things, being poor and being uneducated and being paranoid from what you have heard which often isn't true anyway.

Though Believing Democrats are molesting children might be something an ignorant Trump Republican might do in reality it would actually be more likely that a Trump Republican would be doing something like this for a variety of reasons.

Democrats are usually a little more well balanced than Republicans psychologically for a variety of reasons even though Conservative Republicans often own businesses and are well educated. But, Under Trump the education level of Trump Republicans is lower than it has ever been for Republicans in 100 years by the way. So, people who have never voted for anyone but Trump like their Tribal leader are dangerous because their ignorance is extreme with often no education regarding Critical thinking which can often be fatal (for them and for others) because of this.

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