Saturday, June 26, 2021

Traditional people and people with various kinds of PTSD in the U.S. and around the world might die of Coronavirus variants during the next few years here on earth


Because it is traditional people and people with various kinds of PTSD that are not getting vaccinated around the world. In addition to this people who cannot find or get the vaccine also likely will die a lot too around the world. Less than 1 billion people worldwide have been vaccinated so far. So, at least 7 billion are still vulnerable in all countries. And with variants like Delta and Delta Plus from India it is much more likely people will get infected and die in much greater numbers, especially this coming fall and winter worldwide in the northern Hemisphere.

Traditional people are often taught religious principles and ideas. However, often these principles circumvent science and reason and logic. So, when your thoughts counteract reason and logic beyond a certain degree you cannot make useful decisions regarding medical interventions and then you are vulnerable to many sicknesses and death.

So, we are seeing natural selection on a horrific level the last year or so but likely we will see this worldwide over the next few years at the very least until around 2024 worldwide in relation to the basic survival of the human race during these pandemic times worldwide.

And unlike the 1918 Spanish Flu that killed 50 to 100 million people worldwide and 600,000 here in the U.S. this present coronavirus and it's variants is almost sure to kill many many more than that this time as well worldwide. 

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