Friday, June 25, 2021

UFO Stuff

 First of all, I have never been fully convinced that we are all here on planet earth to begin with. In other words "What is really going on here?" And it's very likely not what most of us think.

Could we be in a video game as players in some really advanced video game?

Could we be used to being in other forms or no forms at all in a timeless spaceless existence so all this time and space stuff is pretty entertaining in a completely sensory overload way?

The above scenarios could be true too, you see.

So, when people debate about whether UFOs are real or not my point of view is that likely they are as real as anything else here on earth simply because I'm not fully convinced that reality is what most people say it is to begin with.

But, I will pretend to believe everything is okay and that the earth is what people think it is mostly simply because that's safer than doing anything else.

After all, if you go to a party and yell: "Fire!" you are likely to be one of the first people burnt up (unless there actually is a fire going on they need to be aware of).

So, when you are in Spain (or any other country) you behave like the people there if you want to stay alive in a body there (whether human bodies are real or not to begin with).

The point of all this being you can believe in UFOs or not believe in UFOs and I respect all these points of view because I find most things about living on earth sort of suspect to begin with (in that everything we observe here might be real or not in various different ways.

For example, what if we are some galactic experiment of some sort being conducted by non-humans on humans here on earth?

This is to me the most likely thing we are experiencing here on earth right now.

So, we wouldn't even know, for example, what kinds of experiments physical or social are actually being conducted in the first place, especially if the beings doing this were 1,000,000 years in advance of us sociologically and technologically to begin with.

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