Wednesday, June 2, 2021

We are all broken by Pragmatism if we survive past 30

 exceedingly idealistic; unrealistic and impractical. This is the definition of quixotic.

As I read this definition at first I thought I had misused the word until I thought about it more. What is a 10 to 13 year old boy if not "exceedingly idealistic; unrealistic and impractical"?

It wasn't really until I was 25 when I became practical enough to be married and have a child and many men never get there their whole lives. And even then I remember one day going cross country skiing with my 2 1/2 year old son in a gerry carrier and then I fell down and he flew out of the back pack into the snow. He was crying and scared but uninjured except that I was incredibly angry at myself at age 27 or 28 to have endangered my son in this way. So, it is a long haul for boys to eventually become men.

There is an East Indian saying to a new wife: "May you have 9 sons and the 10th be your husband."

I guess the point is that in some ways boys never entirely grow up and if they do they might be dead the next day.

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