Wednesday, June 2, 2021

What you believe in and even what you don't believe in Creates your reality

 How can what you don't believe in create your reality. Well. If there are people who believe things that you don't believe in their beliefs can affect your reality. Think about Islamic Terrorists who created 9-11 for example. Think about the fact that probably because you are reading this you don't believe in Q Anon.

People who are freaked out by certain things in their lives might believe in Q Anon and this could create a 2nd Civil War here in the U.S.

It's not violent except for January 6th so far. But, how many Asian and Black Americans have been attacked or killed by Q Anon people already just in these past few years.

Once being murderous is let loose out of the bottle as it has been since Trump got elected by people who were not entirely sane to begin with there might be no end to it.

So, literally what everyone believes affects your reality to a greater or lesser degree.

It's true you can get wealthy and maybe isolate yourself physically from most or even all of it to some degree. But, in the end if a certain segment of the population is crazy then that craziness spills over into everyone's lives to some degree.

For example, look at country's like Venezuela and what has been happening there for the last 20 or 30 years. Most people don't want to live there now and the U.S. could become another Banana Republic run by Dictators here too if Trump has his way.

So, not only does what you believe affect what happens in your life but what everyone around you believes affects your reality to some degree too.

This is not something to get paranoid about but it is something to consider as we move through our lives now, especially when people are nuttier than usual after a year of Covid.

The only times I can seriously compare this last year to is maybe World War II and the Great Depression and World War I and the Spanish Flu from 1918 to 1920. 

And people got pretty crazy from all that too much like they are now.

And if and until this all settles down into something that makes more sense to more people we all have to be on our guard or else the U.S. really will become another Banana Republic of lawlessness and chaos.

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