Monday, January 31, 2022

we are all one with God in the past, present and future of the entire universe.

What do I mean by this?

I mean exactly what I said here.

Often people will try to control you in your life and in your religions by teaching you something else so they can make you follow them and have you give them all your money and all your time.

But, that's always a lie.

The truth is we are all already with God in the past, present and future of the entire universe.

This is the actual truth of our existence 24 hours a day.

This is a whole lot better than being controlled by greedy people all over the world trying to vampire you of everything good in your life by whatever means they can steal from you everything good you are.

The truth is you are everywhere and every when with God right now.

Accept this and be free and enlightened from now on!

All you have to do is to accept the truth to be free forever.

By God's Grace 

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