Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Figure it out for yourselves?

 in 2018, while reporting on pandemic preparedness in the Democratic Republic of Congo, I heard many people joking about the fictional 15th article of the country’s constitution: Débrouillez-vous, or “Figure it out yourself.” It was a droll and weary acknowledgment that the government won’t save you, and you must make do with the resources you’ve got. The United States is now firmly in the débrouillez-vous era of the COVID-19 pandemic.

end partial quote from:

end quote.

But, this isn't just regarding Covid-19 this is in regard to everything worldwide.

It applies to abortion now(are you old enough as a girl or woman to actually know what Rape is?) Do you know where babies come from?

Do you realize that 75% of the people who died worldwide from Covid were over 65 years of age?

Do you understand how storms and weather are no longer really predictable the way they once might have been?

Do you understand that nuclear weapons might be used by Putin on Cities in Europe or the U.S. or Canada or elsewhere on earth?

Do you understand that inflation isn't ending it's actually going to get much worse because of Covid for 2 years and then Putin starting this God awful war in Ukraine?

Are you prepared for what is coming next for the whole world without Globalization which mitigated gas and food prices a lot?

How will you survive the next 10 to 20 years through what is coming for us all worldwide?

Preparing for what is coming as best you can is one way to survive all this.

Here are some tips of how to survive all this:

1. buy or rent enough land with water rights to grow enough food for your family if you need to.

2. Be aware of your needs long term so you can survive all this that is coming.

3. The more unrealistic you are about all this the less likely you and your family can or will survive all this.

However, the plains Indians often followed the buffalo herds and survived quite well doing this for thousands of years time.

So, what I'm saying here is that there are exceptions to every rule too.

The point is try to develop a strategy for your family that works for you and them in the short and long term.

Enjoy your ongoing survival here on earth!

By God's Grace

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