Friday, June 24, 2022

70% of the People in the U.S. didn't want Abortion rights removed because now thousands of women will die from coat hanger abortions

 Likely what you are going to see is many more democrats  elected U.S. Senators and House Representatives in Congress. Why?

Because women are going to die en masse a lot because of this in the 26 states that are likely to pass stringent anti-abortion laws.

The other thing you likely will see is millions of women from 15 to 45 moving away from those states where abortions aren't allowed by any means. So, a mass exodus of fertile women from anti- abortion states is expected because of this ruling already.

It might start as a trickle but as more and more of their friends and relatives die from coat hanger abortions within a year it will be an extreme loss of fertile women from all anti-abortion states.

As thousands of poor women die from coat hanger abortions, this change by the supreme court is likely to start the next bloody civil war over the next few years. As men see their daughters and grand daughters die from back alley abortions they will be ready to kill people because of this.

We just witnessed today likely the beginning of the 2nd Civil War. (only we didn't know it would start over the end of Roe V. Wade) until today.

Why is all this true?

If you study abortion worldwide there are more abortions in countries where it is illegal than in countries where it is legal.

This is a fact worldwide now.

People do what they have to no matter what the laws are regarding things like abortion worldwide.

It's about personal economic and physical survival  worldwide.

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