Monday, October 14, 2024

For all potential or actual bloggers

When I first started this free website in fall of 2007 I was mostly about writing what was helpful to me in staying alive. I had started another website (likely before they were called Blogs or B Logs for short) because I had almost died from 1998 fall to May of 1999 before doctors told me I was going to live and that my heart virus had passed and I didn't die like most people do with a heart virus of the type that I had. Most people are diagnosed only through a post mortem (at least this was true in 1999) I don't know what is possible now of course regarding heart viruses that are usually (but not always) caused by getting your teeth cleaned and a morsel or little piece of food gets into your blood stream and causes the heart virus in your heart from this. 

So, at Stanford University's hospital I had promised God that if I survived I would start a blog to talk about my experiences with God and angels during my lifetime since I am an intuitive and first saw angels when I was 2 years old when they came to heal me of whooping cough then in 1950.

So, my first blog was at which was then bought by around 2007 maybe when I got this free blog at or blogspot it is also called which is run by Google still I believe worldwide. So, this is an international blog that basically goes wherever Google goes still to the best of my knowledge.

At my first site there was no way (that I knew of to see how many people were visiting my site) so I didn't worry about that. Besides I had to program the site myself into HTML to put anything there too. So, when I got this site in Fall of 2007 I wasn't worried about how many people came to my site at first either. But, long about 2010 or 2011 in there somewhere I realized how to find out how many people came to my site and what articles they were mostly interested in.

So, though I was surprised at what people were actually reading I realized that wherever my interests and my readers interests intersected I could give them more of whatever they were interested in.

Over time, I refined what I was doing at this site. I'm trying here mainly to share things that I think are either interesting or groundbreaking or important news that I consider useful to the average persons ongoing survival here on earth.

I also write as a meditation which I find centers me a lot by writing about what is interesting or concerning to me about whatever is interesting or important to me that day.

It's sort of a self therapy in that I share what is troubling me often and I can help myself process things that are bothering me and often you are bothered by similar or the exact things that I am (especially if you are over 45 or 50 years of age. The problems that I address mostly are of being a father and grandfather and I like to travel as much as possible without wearing myself out too much. 

Though I have traveled to Asia in the 1980s and Europe starting around 1999 I find mostly I am in the U.S. or Hawaii when I travel now. For example, I traveled in June of 2022 with my wife and another couple from Mt. Shasta that we met in Teton National Park and traveled through Yellowstone National Park and Glacier National Park and went as far north as Lake Louise and Banff in Canada which is an amazing trip if you have never been there before too with all the Turquoise colored lakes from the grinding of glaciers grinding down the rocks there which makes the Lakes look Torquoise which is very beautiful to look at too. We traveled 5000 miles by car for 5 weeks to see all this because it was one of my bucket list items while I'm still alive. I also would like to return to Scotland and Switzerland and Austria because I like the wilder countrysides and mountains and especially Alpine like environments that remind me of Mt. Shasta and that area too.

The point of all this is building a blog over the years is mostly about learning what people are reading at your blog and giving them more of what they are the most interested in. This grew until the point of this year where I had a month of 200,000 plus visitors so the range of visitors this year is likely between 100,000 to 200,000 people visiting this site every month. 

What happens usually is that people who are interested in certain things have friends who are interested in some or all of the same things and then they tell those people about your site. So, at times your whole site and then specific Articles go viral.

Here is a list of the most read articles of all time since 2007 according to how many people total visited each article:

Top 10 Most Popular Posts (since 2007) at this site

Like I said before what people read at my site is often amazing to me for a variety of reasons and I think when you see what people read at your blogging site or potential blogging site you will be amazed at what people read the most too because it often isn't what you might think.

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