Wednesday, October 23, 2024

It was Foggy Monday Night here on the SF Bay Area Coast

 I looked out this morning and it was still foggy to where it would be almost difficult to drive and to see where you were going at that point near dawn. However, it eventually burned off around noon and turned out to be a pretty nice day after that. I went out and sat under an Umbrella through a hole in our glass outside table and sat there in the sun which was nice and blogged some. Then one of our housekeepers came and played ball with our dog because he is her favorite person on earth. He's sort of a dog Whisperer (you know like a horse whisperer).

So, all in all it was a good day. I have been taking anti-biotics because I had a tooth implant to replace one of my molars last Wednesday. I guess I forgot they wanted me to take anti-biotics starting Thursday so I was wondering why my mouth was swelling up around the new implant. But, my wife saved the day and said: "Did you start taking your anti-biotics like your Oral Surgeon said you should?" I said "I didn't know that was a part of the plan." So, Friday I started to Take Amoxicillin 3 times a day. As soon as I did this the swelling inside my mouth disappeared. However, there really was no blood even last Wednesday and the only way I know something happened is the tip of a phillips Screw head that my tongue is sort of tearing it's tip off sensing it is there.

When they put this thing in it looked a lot like a space capsule on my X-ray. But the one in one of my front teeth upper looks a lot more like a knife blade in comparison. I guess you have to allow that you are trying to replace something that had 4 roots in a molar which has to be a lot more formidable that an incisor tooth that is more for ripping and tearing food (originally) when we were all hunter gatherers as a species here on earth.

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