Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Comparitive Religion studies eventually led to studying Cultural Anthropology for me

Comparitive religion wasn't my major in college but History of Religion was a major of a friend who studied at UCLA from 1969 to 1976 when he got his master's degree in History of Religion there. So, since we were both mountain climbers then and Rock Climbers in places like Yosemite National Park and a place near Idylwild on Mt. San Jacinto in that area we were often camped with friends climbing this and that for recreation as a hobby when we weren't in college studying. So, often on weekends we would go climb something (a rock or a peak or both). And Camping out sometimes doing this we would talk about History of Religion or Philosophy or Religion which we both found interesting.

So, in my early 20s it started with Comparitive religion teaching me that all religions (the way they are actually practiced (beyond theory) were mostly hypocritcal. This was important to me because my my experiences leaving the religion I was raised in too. I didn't stop believing in Jesus or Saint Germain but I did question many things I had been told by people in the religion I was raised in.

But, I was reassured to see the hypocrisy of all religions as they are practiced and realized that all religions were a two edged sword in that they could kill a person (through suicide) as easily as saving their lives. And the method all religions used to kill people is Shunning. Shunning brings death to millions around the world every year.

Once you realize this is happening then you have to think about religions differently than before where they are tools of murder through Shunning people that don't to or say what they want them to.

So, this led for me eventually to studying Cultural Anthropology when I realized that Shamanism eventually led to religions when people starting growing their own food on farms and herding animals for food or milk products.

As people started to stay in one place and grow food instead of wandering all over in search of food all year things changed and religions and kingdoms began. And then Kings and Queens forced their people to believe things on pain of death in these religions worldwide and they forced people to believe that the Kings and Queens were sent from God to rule them.

I found all this fascinating to understand but it permanently changed the way I thought about all religions on earth ever after that.

So, for me, personally, my relationship is a personal one with God and Jesus and Saint Germain and Archangel Michael and all the other angels.

However, I tend to now be suspicious of all churches and religions because to me they have nothing at all to do with God or Jesus or Saint Germain or the Angels.

Churches and religions are about money, power and control sort of like a government. When you understand the politics of money and control of people's minds you begin to see the problem of religions worldwide.

And I find Being Forewarned is being Fore armed to better protect yourself and your families from the problems of religions here on earth.

So, I try to teach people to have their own personal relationship with God and Angels so they don't get raped by organized religion and be harmed or die in their lives.

But, it was a long road for me to even begin to understand how this all has changed mankind for Thousands and thousands of years.

I also wonder where it all goes from here.

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