Wednesday, October 23, 2024

When I first began to write as an adult:

I was 21 at the time and I was dealing with whether I wanted to stay alive in a human body here on earth or not. I had broken up with a girl I thought I might spend the rest of my life with AND I had to part ways with the organized religion I had been raised in. The combination of these two events was nearly fatal for me which makes me trust religion less and less ever since. Any Religion.

And on top of all this the religion I was in had trained this girl to believe she needed to be celibate the rest of her life even if she was married in order to go to heaven. This wasn't going to work for me because I wanted to be married but have children.

So, when I moved to San Diego County I began to write and I channeled my uncle who was likely past away whose name was Tommy, my Dad's younger brother. It was my first experience with Channeling someone and he came to me and advised me how to stay alive through what I was going through. 

However, when my mother found these writings it scared her because though she was religious she wasn't into Channeling and so threw these writings away eventually when I moved out later in my 20s. I was writing these things at around age 21 or 22 at the time and was returning to college and trying to find a way forward to stay alive after the breakup with my girlfriend and the breakup with my religion.

However, what I learned form all this mostly was that I could channel Ascended Masters like Jesus and Saint Germain and Angels I knew along the way. I also got better at direct communication with Ascended Beings which means beings like Jesus and Angels and God along the way too. So, this all became more and more a comfort to me and helped me stay alive too.

The main thing that Saint Germain had to say about all this was basically something like "Don't let the world kill you and don't let people in your religion kill you through malpractice of how they pray."

I had to take this seriously because he said, "I need you alive to do the work you came here to Earth to do."

At that time I thought it might be to start another religion. However, he told me that all religions had become obsolete because of Nuclear weapons. I understood what he was saying because of fundamentalists of all religions who want to get a hold of nuclear weapons so they can create Armageddon here on earth and kill everyone.

So, that became an established fact in my life that religions had become obsolete with the invention of nuclear weapons. I still believe and agree with this concept as a way of creating ongoing human survival here on earth.

So, though I first channeled my Uncle Tommy who likely died in a plane in 1942 it all led to my experiences with how to channel Ascended Masters and to make my life and the lives of those around me better and better.

This would have been likely Early 1970 when this happened and on Christmas 1969 was when Elohar And Ragna first came to be along with Saint Germain to tell me that I needed to stay alive or else the human race could go extinct in my normal lifetime. I took them seriously at the time and vowed to stay alive for the human race and my parents and friends and relatives so that they all didn't have to die in a nuclear holocaust. So, all these things began my life as a writer even though I didn't develop the style I presently write in starting in 1980 until I was living in Mt. Shasta and had just gotten married a 2nd time and was raising my son and two step children near where Lassen Lane and Old Stage Road meet. Pine Grove Health food store (which is now Berryvale next to the Post Office in town) was close to us there across from the Cemetary.

After around 1970 or after I didn't hear from my Uncle Tommy much until my father was about to pass away. Then he walked through the room at my work and I asked him: "Uncle Tommy! I haven't seen you in a long time. Why are you hear?" He didn't say anything but I realized he was telling me he was coming for my father.

So, I called my father on the phone and told him to look for his Brother Tommy. My mother called me in tears that evening at work and told me that my father was gone.

However, I have always appreciated my Uncle Tommy coming and telling me he was going to take my father that day to heaven with him.

By God's Grace 

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