Monday, October 7, 2024

This is an experiment to see what the AI or Bots don't like about what I originally wrote

 I think that the AI or Bots didn't like me writing about a non-profit site like mine where people can believe actually what I have to say because I'm beholding economically to no one.

So, what I will write now I want to see if the bots or AI won't publish this either. I'm thinking they are programmed to want only for profit blogs. Mine is not a for profit blog and I have never tried to make even one penny from this site so you can believe more of what I say than for profit blogs say.

I think people need to hear the truth as best as you can come up with it from your years of experience living here on earth. To reveal what you have learned will be a life or death thing for many people who read your blog too. So, let's see of the AI or bots interfere with this latest round of writing.

Amazing! They didn't stop this one from publishing. That's Good!

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