Thursday, October 24, 2024


I try to write about things that have kept me alive through the more trying parts of my life that I hope will help you to move forward and continue to choose to be alive through as well when difficult things happen in everyone's life over time.

I noticed that I looked about 25 years old until my 2nd divorce in 1994 and then suddenly my hair got grayer and I started to look older. In 1994 I was 46 but still looked about 25 even then but by the time I was 50 I had almost died from fall of 1998 to May of 1999 and I had been forced to retire. So, we all hit points in our life where it is very difficult to go on. Mine was triggered by my father's death in 1985 when I really wasn't prepared for him to die at all and neither was my son who was also very bonded to him. IN 1985 my son was 11 years old and mostly got Asthma having never had it before because my father died and it wasn't something he could deal with at the time. I also wasn't quite right from 1985 until I myself almost died in 1998 and 1999. But, after my near death I was able to be grateful for every moment I had left with my family and friends here on earth. Life has been pretty good since then when I retired because otherwise I would have died in 1998 or 1999.

By God's Grace

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