Monday, December 30, 2024

It's good to know one or more of the Building Trades:

Because study what happened during the Great Depression. Mostly White collar workers starved to death alongside of a river in a tent or froze to death next to a frozen river in a tent. Study the Great Depression. See what really happened then. Also, the signs of a Great Depression are coming by simply looking at the 18% increase in homeless people. It doesn't really matter the causes it is symptomatic of what is coming. Look at the stock market. Would you want to have 50,000 to 100,000 dollars in Student loans during a Great Depression when even Bankruptcy causes you to pay back all of your loans fully?

The point is the people who were okay during the Great Depression were people like my father whose Father was an electrical Contractor. Who do you think had cars and girlfriends or wives all through the Great Depression? That's right my father and his brothers.

So, even as I was growing up my father taught me the electrical trade from age 10 or 12 on weekends or summers until I was 17 years old and went away to a private church school for my senior year in High School then in 1965.

But, knowing one or more of the building trades like Electrical or carpentry or whatever one you choose can be helpful in surviving a Great Depression  or Recession.

Would you rather die as a white collar worker in a tent by a river or freeze to death there or would you rather have cars and partners in life and always have enough money?

It's a pretty easy choice if you know a trade that people will ALWAYS need during a Great Recession or Great Depression that may be coming now if you look at the way the stock market is presently acting.

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