Thursday, January 30, 2025

Writing as a way of healing yourself

I progressed from Age 18 where I realized something was wrong to newer places in my life. What I hadn't considered in all of this is Basic Psychology and survival simply because my parents hadn't been to college or any therapists in their lives because they were the wrong generation to do this.

One of my cousins kids once asked me who is very brilliant: "Do you think I'm crazy?"
I told her that: "That's not a question people in my family would ever ask."

Instead growing up it was mostly "get the F--- out of my way!"

So, the motto of my family would likely be: "Lead, follow or get the F--- out of the way!" which likely is the motto of all the people who survived while settling this country from the 1700s to the present.

"Lead, follow or get out of the way!" is a fully pragmatic way to survive literally anything serious in your life.

However, it is also more of a way of thinking of those people who own property or businesses and who can think for themselves and don't need anyone to tell them what to do with their lives.

So, the point I'm making here is I come from pioneers who came to this country from Switzerland around 1725 and survived everything ever since from Philadelphia where their boat landed to California where I have lived most of my life.

So, once I went to college and discovered a magazine called: "Psychology Today around 1971 I began to realize that I was looking at everything all wrong and that I needed to shed everything unnecessary to my basic survival as a human being on earth. So, I gave up 75% to 90% of all the baggage of my ancestors that just wasn't working for me simply because I realized I couldn't survive it and stay alive past around 25 years of age.

So, I began to study philosophy and cultural Anthropology and studying to become a psychologist for several years simply because I thought I could not only help myself to survive but I also thought I could help others to survive in this world as well.

So, this training to become a psychologist also ended when my girlfriend got pregnant when I was 25 and we got married.

However, I didn't forget all the amazing things I learned about how to heal myself from my traumas of the 1950s and 1960s and 1970s.

So, when I began writing and started writing about Arcane my intention was never to write for other people but rather to write to heal myself deeply from everything I had learned in college and in life.

I succeeded in doing this in many ways.

I highly recommend finding ways to heal yourself through writing poetry or prose or music or other creative outlet so you actually want to be alive just for the sake of being alive rather than feeling forced to do things in life you don't want to do all the time.

I also found that being Empowered in life is everything because going through life as a victim doesn't make anyone want to be alive or to stay alive in any healthy way at least.

So, my entire writing style is about empowerment and the joy of staying alive and traveling and surfing and body surfing and snorkeling and mountain climbing and riding off road motorcycles and traveling the world. Because all these things have made me very happy.

Also, getting married and raising children has also made me happy too.

So, I highly recommend writing as a way of healing yourself deeply if you can figure out how to do this.

By God's Grace

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