Thursday, July 24, 2008

What it's like to be born psychically gifted

The story I like to tell is in regard to truth as humans express it. At two years of old and less I wondered a lot about why humans didn't ever tell the complete truth, but only shades of it. It took me until 12 to 15 years old to ascertain that politeness kept people alive and that complete truth was a sword that often killed unnecessarily.

So I learned to disregard what people were actually thinking and feeling if they told me something different. So that I would not confront them about what they thought in their minds or they felt if they didn't want to talk about that. I honored them by what they actually said even if it was the complete reverse of what they really felt or thought. I guess it reminds a lot of growing up and being a boy and having to do what girls said rather than what they actually wanted or thought in their minds but instead having to do what they were conditioned to say by their mothers. So, even in this way all things are codified for communication verbally without honoring peoples intuitive gifts.

However, I always use my psychic gifts to sense whether people are safe or not or whether they are crazy dangerous or crazy confused. There is a big difference here. Also, I try not to talk to people who live in a non psychic or spiritual or religious world of thought and being as speaking this way might make them faint or cause them to have a break with their normal reality and I don't want the responsibility for that unless they are threatening my life or someone else's life. If lives are at stake I have no problem doing whatever is necessary to save the lives of whoever is present or involved in whatever the situation.

However, most of the time I live according to the ethic of, "Everyone needs their own relationship with God and the universe because without that people don't usually survive well or at all. So because this is my experience of life I try to let people have their own experiences with God or the universe unless they are directly or indirectly harming or trying to harm me or my family or my friends.

I see or meet other psychically gifted people all the time. We instantly know each other because of the kinds of fields of energy we run in our auras. Some are threatened that I exist and some are spiritual like me and some are not. I am aware that I might seem frightening to other psychics because I am unafraid because of my alliances with trillions of other compassionate beings throughout all time and space and have entered into the most extremely powerful alliance I have ever experienced with them throughout all time and space. This direct experience has existed since it manifested in the early 1980s in my life. However, trillions of beings throughout the universe are also conscious members of this infinitely compassionate and infinitely powerful brotherhood, sisterhood and beinghood of all compassionate beings that ever have existed or ever will exist everywhere and everywhen.

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