Saturday, July 26, 2008

Optimists and Idealists

My wife is an optimist and I am an idealist I realized today. There is a saying on a piece I read today that went like this. "Optimists refuse to acknowledge reality. Idealists remind us that it isn’t fixed." Though this saying isn't kind to optimists, I could also see its validity. Also, by reading this saying I realized how much of an idealist I am. I tend to be very pragmatic, very compassionate, but I am always also aware of how unfixed everything is. I am always aware just how much all people and situations could change for the better. And whenever I see an opportunity I begin those changes as much as I am able in all people and all situations. Mostly, it is about being aware of opportunities to create positive change in my life and others. So being an optimist my wife saved my life and hers(in the long run) by marrying me. And since I am a pragmatic idealist, I can move myself and all beings to better lives whenever I sense opportunities for doing so.

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