Monday, October 27, 2008

Body of Lies

Unless you have a really strong stomach don't watch this movie. it is very hard to take. However, I think you will learn more about the way this terrorist war is actually being fought by all sides in watching both "Body of Lies" and "Syriana" than any two movies I could recommend to you to watch. What both these movies have in common is the pathetic nature of the conflicts we are in. They are never ending by their very nature. Understanding this leads to wisdom. Not understanding this only leads to the bankruptcy of all nations who don't understand this and many unnecessary deaths on all sides.

If the western world is to fight a war it must be ultimately asymmetric or it will fail along with the economies of all western nations. This is what I see when I look forward through time as a precognitive psychic. Ultimate Efficiency in the use of money and blood is the only way for the western world to even survive all this.

So far, the western world has been completely unrealistic the way the Soviet Union was in Afghanistan. Unless the western world understands that efficiency is the only way for it to survive all this over the next 1000 years or more it will not survive more than 100 years otherwise.

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