Thursday, October 9, 2008

Cash on Hand

These times remind me of my Grandad buried 25,000 dollars in his front yard when so many banks collapsed during the Great Depression that banks absolutely couldn't be trusted. Sort of like now.

There still are a few banks that seem to be okay like Wells Fargo, Bank of America and Chase. I'm not really sure anymore what other ones are good because of all the bank failures.

It is a time to at the very least put away cash enough for 3 months and or gold into a safety deposit box. Note: a safety deposit box in a bank is different than having money deposited in an account. Money in an account could be lost if FDIC doesn't cover it(over 100,000 in any banking system even with multiple accounts in the same name). However, in a safety deposit box all you are renting is the box and the bank has no right to know what you put in the box or what you take out as long as you pay your safety deposit fees on time. Also people put in take out put in take out whenever they want. These times deserve about 3 months worth of monies or gold in a safety deposit box to protect you and your family from your bank (or the government going belly up). Think about it.

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