Sunday, October 5, 2008

Don't Panic

If there is any single thing I've learned in 60 years of being alive on Planet Earth it is: "Don't panic unless a large truck is barreling down the road and if you don't move you will surely die." Even then don't panic just move quickly!

There is a story told about sailing ships of old and this is also true of ship sinkings the last few hundred years as well. If there are survivors of a sinking ship they tend to be over 25 or 30 years of age. The primary reason for this is to my way of thinking that men over 25 or 30 have already survived such crazy things in their lives that they think while facing death in the ocean, "First, don't panic, gather your energies and you might just survive this too." Whereas younger men might just think, "We're going to die!" because they might not have faced death before. Older men by age 25 or 30 often have faced death one or more times and so tend to take dying more in stride because they know this kind of thing happens every once in a while.

The whole world is facing this kind of financial calamity. In some ways we are all on the Titanic sinking and we can all panic or play music or jump overboard to freeze to death in the water. Or because this sinking ship is all metaphorical we can just change the rules and do something different individually or en masse on earth.

It's time for a better idea(ideas!). When crises occur it always brings out the best and the worst in everyone. But mostly the best comes to the fore in us all. Because all of our necks are on the line. The more we can share useful information with each other now, the more likely we and millions and even billions of others will still be alive 10 years or more from now. It's up to all of us individually and en masse. What can you contribute to making things better on earth and lessening the suffering of mankind, your friends, your family?

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