Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Galactic Earth Park Rangers

In one sense all humans on earth ARE Galactic Earth Park Rangers because if we don't protect our rare little park:Earth then it will be no more. If we don't choose to protect earth from its demise through global Warming or whatever then there will be no habitable earth for our descendants. It IS as simple as that.

I feel it is very important to say it like it is.

In the 1970s the Soviets sent a space probe to the Asteroid belt and most of the Soviet Union's scientists at that time were convinced that the asteroid belt had been a planet that was destroyed by a surface thermonuclear explosion or war. It was surmised by some of them that this blast was so severe that it could have blown most of the atmosphere off of Mars as well. So that might suggest that the Asteroid belt (planet) and Mars might have been at war with each other. It also might suggest that we here on earth are some of the survivors of humans that lived on Mars and the Asteroid Belt Planet before it exploded.

Though this story of the Asteroid belt was in Pravda and probably Izvestia in the 1970s it never made it as a headline into the United States. I think this happened because religions just couldn't have handled this factual and scientific information. The idea that Armageddon had already happened to humans on the Asteroid Belt planet and Mars would just be too much for those who take the Bible, Old testament or Koran or whatever literally. It would tear them a new one so to speak. So I think this information just didn't make it into secular Christian, Jewish or Islamic nations.

However, this does not stop it from being a scientific fact that has been proven and was one of the reasons that the old Soviet Union collapsed because the Russian Intelligencia didn't want to see Earth turn into another asteroid belt. So all of us on earth have the Soviets and the Soviet space probe of the Asteroid belt to thank for one of the reasons for the collapse of the old Soviet Union.

Since we likely are the descendants of the survivors of the Asteroid Belt Planet and Mars it behooves us to take care of this planet so that it DOESN'T Become another asteroid belt between Venus and Mars.


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