Tuesday, January 27, 2009

beware downadup or conficker worm


If you are running any windows operating system on the internet it is very important to download a patch from microsoft to protect not only your computer from becoming infected by the worm but also to prevent your computer from becoming a botnet or a remotely controlled robotic device spreading this worm to other computers. It appears the worm is a two or three stage problem and is now in stage 1 or 2. Though this could be done by criminals I think it is more likely being done by a large country like China or Russia or even Iran. I think it is like an economic weapon of war.

I have believed for sometime now that an economic war is being waged because everything we are experiencing in the free world has the feeling of having been well planned. Even if this latest worm is from another country if that country has nuclear weapons what really can we do in that situation? What if much of our financial downturn has been orchestrated by a nuclear power? What can we do nuke the world? No. We appear to be in basically uncharted territory right now and if this is what is happening no one really can afford to be open about it for many reasons.

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