Thursday, January 8, 2009

It's Always Darkest before the Light

I can remember being 8 years old at Zuma beach on an air mattress with my 15 year old female cousin. My two 13 year old male cousins were further out playing in the 5 to 7 foot waves. But none of us knew about riptides. I couldn't formally swim and had never had a swimming lesson. It was 1956 at Zuma Beach, California. Well, soon we were all sucked out past all the surf and it seemed we were heading out to sea. My two 13 year old cousins grabbed on to the air mattress so they wouldn't drown. We all kept trying to make it into shore to no avail. Finally, at least 3 lifeguards came out and one of them almost drowned trying to rescue us. They gave us floats to hold onto and they tried to pull us in.

Though I was only 8 I was pretty convinced I was going to die. Many of you right now around the world feel like you are dying financially. However, now is a time of adaptation. You might not like what is happening. However, if you don't do whatever it takes to survive you may not.

I can remember at 8 struggling not to panic and drown out there. This experience taught me a lot about not panicking. If I had panicked I likely wouldn't be here now to tell about it. I had to remain calm enough to stay alive and not drown.

Likewise, in these times one must keep their head when all around are losing theirs. Most of what I see happening is an unfortunate nature of present day technology.

In the past, everything changed so slow that it wasn't possible to have this exact type of thing happen. However, now one person can learn any real or insignificant fact and most people on line might here that fact within 24 hours. So what is happening now is that this "Instant" type reaction is killing worldwide business in ways that could not have happened 20 or 30 years ago.

New types of restraints need to be created in technology and business worldwide so worldwide panics don't just end civilization. We are all so interconnected that it might be possible for all businesses to end with the right wierd information transmitted over internet or newspapers or TV. People in the past we much more guarded about what information was released and there were less sources of international information.

Now there are so many sources of inaccurate information as well as very accurate ones. But in the end "Figures don't lie but liars use figures."

There is truth and then there are half lies masquerading as truth. Which kinds are we all listening to? Usually both and it is no longer really possible to be sure of what you are hearing. Maybe it never was.

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