Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Citizen or Consumer

If a person is a citizen then a citizen has both rights and duties. And if a citizen does not protect and defend his or her rights by becoming informed then how can that person call themselves a citizen? How can you defend yourselves, your family, your friends, your country if you are not informed?

If you are a consumer, it is important to note that 3 and 4 year olds are consumers too. If you are a consumer first and a citizen second then all the world will always treat you as no more than a child.

If you are a citizen first and a consumer second, then you know that being a good citizen is about researching the usefulness and healthiness of any product you buy. Because as a good citizen you know that unless this product is proven safe through your personal research, it could damage or kill anyone you know or even strangers you may never know. Being an informed citizen and only buying products you have researched to be safe and useful, not only protects everyone you know, it protects less informed people than yourself. For once you do the research you should as a matter of course inform your relatives and friends as to whether that product is a good and useful product or a dangerous product that should be boycotted or shunned completely.

Only by being both good Citizens and consumers do we protect ourselves, our families and hopefully all mankind.

1 comment:

Zephyr said...

Very good article. It's like Tyler Durden says in the movie "Fight Club" He asks his alter ego "what are we..?" to which he answered himself..."we are consumers". I think it's easier for some to go on auto pilot and not take responsibility. But, as Don Juan Matus says.. a warrior must be accountable for all his actions.