Sunday, April 7, 2013

A Meaningful Life

I would describe "A Meaningful Life" as  life you would actually choose to live rather than just off yourself if you have to do it. I think most of us might just choose personal extinction rather than to live the life our parents would choose for us. Many people I have known that tried to "please" their parents became alcholics or worse by the time they were 25 or 30 and this greatly shortened their lives in many cases.

So, discovering what a "meaningful Life" actually means to you might be important if you want to live to be 100 or even 25. I personally found that dating a lot of girls was helpful along with taking classes in college like, "Philosophy, psychology, Cultural anthropology etc" were very helpful in creating meaning to my life. So, knowing what you don't want might be at first more important than knowing what you do want in your life. A good question to ask yourself is: "If I do this will I want to be alive doing this in 1 year, 5 years or 10 years from now"? If the answer is no to any of these years then you might be in danger of directly or indirectly taking your own life. Many people might say, "Oh. I would never kill myself." But, if you are unhappy enough you might accomplish it by accident. It is not just your conscious mind you are dealing with remember. You have a subconscious mind too. And even when you will one thing your subconscious might be going in an entirely different direction. And if it won't put up with something you might be still just as dead.

So, learning to be kind to yourself and all other beings is the real key to staying alive a long time while being happy enough to have "A meaningful Life".

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