Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Staying Alive

There is no future for you if you don't stay alive now. Now in your life might be very onerous or not. But, whatever is going on in your life, there won't be a future for you here in this body on earth unless you find a way to survive it. My whole life has been a series of surviving calamities of one kind or another starting at age 2 with whooping cough, then childhood blunt trauma epilepsy from ages 10 to 15, then being excommunicated from my church at age 21, then divorced the first time at age 29, divorced the 2nd time at age 44, almost dying in 1998 and 1999 from a heart virus, again having heart problems likely caused by a solar Flare while flying back from Maui, Hawaii on October 8th 2012 etc. If I hadn't found some kind of way to survive all these events in my life (as well as many other types of life threatening situations) I wouldn't be alive now. So, finding a way to survive anything and learning to be very adaptable is one of the keys to a very long life. Why not stay alive and see what happens to you and to everyone else here on earth? It might be much more interesting than dying. Think about it.

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