Saturday, June 15, 2013

Some of the Ways you are being Brainwashed in your life Now

I was writing:UFO accounts   recently and I was mentioning how all Americans have been brainwashed regarding not taking seriously UFOs since the beginning of World War II. Today I was thinking about brainwashing in the U.S. and around the world and thought people reading my blog might be interested in how people are brainwashed all over the world. Even though most of what this article is talking about I don't consider to be "brainwashing" but instead I consider it to be "Subliminal Manipulation", still it is food for thought as to how the masses are hypnotized in various ways by advertisements and the way things are done worldwide.

Knowing this doesn't completely stop you or me from being brainwashed. But it does teach us that turning our attention away from things that obviously aren't true might help us stay functional and able to think for ourselves better so we have a better chance of survival long term here on earth.

Here it is begin quote:

6 Brainwashing Techniques They're Using On You Right Now ... › Science
Sep 23, 2008 – 6 Brainwashing Techniques They're Using On You Right Now ... they've got a whole arsenal of manipulation techniques that go way beyond even ... even if the headline we read was specifically about the rumor being untrue.

I couldn't quote this article but please click on "6 Brainwashing techniques----" above to read about how people all over the world are being psychologically and subliminally manipulated every day (all 7 billion of us). 

If you read the above article it might be a revelation for you if you haven't taken a College level Social Psychology Class or joined a High School or College Debate team where you are trained to twist people's minds into what ever point of view you want them to have. If you understand that for example, the left media is lying to you in one way and the conservative media is lying to you and manipulating you in another way, then maybe you might be better able to form your own opinions regarding things as a free thinker completely separate from any and all medias. This way you can learn to make yourself not susceptible to brainwashing as much because you know all the mind twisting techniques they are using on you and everyone else.

So, after learning all this you might be the only one who survives some situations because you are the only free thinking person in the room. 

By the way, "ALL" wealthy people who get wealthy and stay wealthy understand subliminal manipulation and what brainwashing is all about. They know how to avoid people doing this to them because they know how to think for themselves and how to be critical thinkers over and above any brainwashing or subliminal manipulation. 

"These aren't the droids you are looking for", as Obi-Wan Kenobi says in Star Wars.

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