Saturday, September 28, 2013

volunteerism: As a replacement for Jobs?

We are already seeing this manifest especially in college age young people and in people who either have time to volunteer or from those who are well off to whom volunteerism becomes a way of life. I think as more and more and more jobs are done by information technology instruments and by manufacturing by robotics and 3d printers, that volunteerism in all it's forms will increase exponentially just for people to have ways to meet new people and to feel valued by their communities for doing something useful.

The tradition of Barn Raising as a party might also be extended to raising homes more for people as well in a variety of forms as well. Even though volunteerism will be primarily in the more developed nations because more people will be well fed and have the health to do it, the example of volunteerism in developed nations will also cause less developed nations populations to copy this new found way of getting things accomplished.

I foresee even the building of bridges could be facilitated by volunteers from that area supervised by architects and engineers over time. This might be necessary because there might not be monies to pay for union bridge builders to build bridges fast enough otherwise to actually be able to cross rivers, chasms and canals efficiently here in the U.S.

However, maybe it is also time for transportation to function more without bridges and roads in that maybe it's time to have private helicopters that could be landed in one's yard or anywhere convenient. This combined with mass transportation systems that make traveling more energy efficient for the masses might be important right about now.

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